Monday, July 30, 2012

Cooking Fish on St. Barts island

Fresh fish
Fresh fish on the island.
Make sure to get some local beer.
In this case Carib. Light and tasty.

 The fish monger.
In this case they are open from 6 AM to 6:30 AM
If you are late, then it is the frozen fish aisle.
They are not flexible there and they do not speak English . So use your hands to point and ask combien ?? how much  (mine were 2 fish for 10 Euro which is 12 dollars)
 You can go for Mahi Mahi or tuna if you want the simple fillets. In my case I went for the colorful local fish, don't ask me the name.
 This is the carribean style one, I ground ginger, curled parsley butter and spices.
 The other guy was done a la Mediterranean .
Lots of herbs stuffed inside and I cut a few deep cuts on the fish side and stuffed the cuts too.
I wrapped it up in tin foil to keep the moisture.
 Yes, the fish has a scary jaw. The cheeks are delicious and beware of the bones so be patient.

I added some Bulgur
 Make sure to have the right attitude as you are grilling.
 The local desserts are delicious so simply use them, along with a complimentary rum and coke.
 This is the harbor where the fisherman sell their wares.
This was the dining room. It helps if you have a view.

What ever you do COOK, the restaurants are not as good as home cooking!!!!

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