Monday, July 16, 2012

Ossobuco light

Ossobuco light

Ossobuco Milanese.
I guess being the major city of commerce in Italy does have it's advantages. In this case it will be this delicious stew.

The ingredients are simple enough. The main item is the meat. Specifically a beef shank. I went for beef as I don't like eating veal I prefer they grow and have a life. Yes, I am a sissy boy.
The cut is easily available just ask any butcher for it or ask for meat for ossobuco. They all know it.
I got 2.5 lbs but you can get more or less depending on your lightness. I went for grade 5 of whole foods. Basically an animal that had a happier life.

Simply put it in the dutch oven with some olive oil and braise it for 10 minutes.
The recipe calls for flouring it. I skipped that as this is the diet "light" version.

Once you are done simply put it to the side. Then chop 3 carrots, one onion, scrape one orange for its zest and then chop some garlic.

Add the onion, add the carrot, add water (1 cup) cook for 10 then add the tomato can, 12 oz
add the zest and the garlic. Immediately add the meat and cover with more water till it reaches the level of the meat.
Then move the dutch oven to the oven itself.
I did 300 F but you can do more if you are hungry.
 This is the Gremolata.
 Simply chop parsley, grind lemon zest and chop some garlic. This mixture will be used to decorate and add taste to the dish when it is done.

Don't forget to wash the curled parsley so you won't get the sandy taste.

Alright, add some rice scoop some on the plate and drizzle with the Gremolata.

E qui, il Ossobuco

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